Dumb, Dump, Duh!
No one likes to feel dumb in front of others
But in reality, feeling dumb in a conversation is a “normal” thing
Especially when you’re starting a new journey
A journey that will teach big lessons
Sometimes, you just need to dump the thoughts you have
Clear your mind by letting every single line pops up flow out
Refresh the emotions by doing the things you love
Dump all the piled-up feelings you’ve been hiding your whole life
Duh, that’s easier said than done!
Duh, it feels like climbing a mountain sometimes
The view from the top is breathtaking
But the effort to get there is immense
In the end, you’ll realize
It’s okay to feel like “nothing” is happening in your life
It’s okay to feel stagnant, to feel dumb
You just need to dump your feelings into the right “medium”