Enyah ResahNotice The UnnoticedLife spins in an endless waltz Relentless, it refuses to wait for anyone In one breath, a thousand stories are born Yet our memories grasp…Feb 14Feb 14
Enyah ResahThe Weight of Walking AwayYou started walking away years ago Stretching the distance between you and them Guilt settled like dust in your chest But you whispered —…Feb 8Feb 8
Enyah ResahQuestions We Fear, Answers We ChaseLife is a collection of countless interactions Often sparked by a simple smile Woven together through a chain of words And ignited by the…Feb 3Feb 3
Enyah ResahIn Gratitude’s ShadowI should be more grateful For the circle of gentle souls Who stand beside me, unwavering No matter how strange the world around me becomesFeb 1Feb 1
Enyah ResahThruth’s ThornAre you afraid to face the thruth? Okay, then — Let the time swallow your time away Let the the sound of the ticking clock eat at your…Jan 27Jan 27
Enyah ResahBeyond The DoorWho’s there? A gorgeous witch with a poisoned apple? Or a super-hyperactive scout girl with a messy bun, Bringing the most delicious…Jan 27Jan 27
Enyah ResahPeace, PleaseMy mind is in clamor No peace can be found there The traffic drives me crazy No quite place to spot anywhereJan 24Jan 24
Enyah ResahOne More TimeOne more time, the sparks disappear One more time, the world seems darker One more time, I forget who I am One more time, those feelings…Jan 27Jan 27
Enyah ResahDumb, Dump, Duh!No one likes to feel dumb in front of others But in reality, feeling dumb in a conversation is a “normal” thing Especially when you’re…Jan 23Jan 23
Enyah ResahIt Won’t WorkThey recommended I start replacing “what if” with “even if” At first, it felt useless, pointless, futile But on the first day I tried, I…Jan 23Jan 23
Enyah ResahSeri MentariKehangatan kembali datang mengusir mundur sang kabut Pulihkan kembali tawa yang sempat terenggut Perlahan lanjutkan bahagia yang belum usai…Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
Enyah ResahTak SegeraBeberapa kata terkesan biasa Hingga datang suatu peristiwa Membuat persepsi lama kedaluwarsa Ingin rasa tenggelam di rawa-rawaDec 1, 2024Dec 1, 2024
Enyah ResahTenang Telah TibaMenari di tengah hamparan bunga Bercengkerama hangat dengan para peri Menikmati indah sayap kupu-kupu penuh cinta Berhamburan menyebarkan…Nov 26, 2024Nov 26, 2024
Enyah ResahKembali BersemiMalam itu setenang laut tanpa ombak Mengunci rasa yang kian lama terjebak Mengundang hadirnya harum bunga menyerbak Menyambut teka-teki…Nov 16, 20241Nov 16, 20241
Enyah ResahSerah BerserahSenyum merekah secerah mentari pagi Pertanda hari kan jauhi elegi Himpun sejuta ledakan energi Siap melompat lebih tinggiOct 26, 2024Oct 26, 2024
Enyah ResahKanvas PasiLembar baru terhampar tanpa rasa Tergeletak terhirau di lantai dansa Menjadi saksi bisu mereka yang tergesa Menatap sayu barisan yang hidup…Oct 12, 2024Oct 12, 2024
Enyah ResahLepas BebasRasa itu pernah datang menghampiri Bersemayam tanpa henti menghiasi hari Menarik paksa cahaya berseri Memadamkan indah sinar mentariApr 24, 2024Apr 24, 2024
Enyah ResahSelam KelamMalam-malam kian runyam Tak tau sebab, terlalu beragam Berharap tak lagi temui jalan curam Tak ingin kembali arungi dunia kelamMar 10, 2024Mar 10, 2024
Enyah ResahPadam MeredamKemarin, api itu masih menyala Menjadi pelita yang didamba Dipuja bak idola Mampu menembus cakrawalaJan 4, 2024Jan 4, 2024
Enyah ResahMisteri Dini HariDini hari identik sunyi Meredam segala bunyi Menghilangkan jejak tersembunyi Tak tega pecahkan hening dengan bernyanyiOct 15, 2023Oct 15, 2023